ISO 8000-110:2008 Workshop Tuesday October 27, 2009 The Historic Hotel Bethlehem (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
Who Should Attend?
· Data Quality managers responsible for the quality of SAP, Oracle or other ERP vendor, item or service masters to include the development of short and long descriptions
· Maintenance planners and plant managers as well as their commodity managers
· Purchasing personnel responsible for sourcing and contracts
· Content managers responsible for developing buy or sell side catalogs
· Designers managing parts standardization programs
· IT managers responsible for data integration and data portability
· IT managers responsible for data warehousing and long term data preservation
Course Outline
10:00-12:00- Theory
· NATO codification system as the foundation for the eOTD, ISO 22745 and ISO 8000
· Creating a metadata registry
· Developing data requirement statements
· Measuring data quality
· Researching and requesting missing data
· Developing rules for descriptions
13:00-15:00- Practice
*Attendees will use the internet to access the ECCMA certification web site to:
· Develop an eOTD-i-xml Identification Guide
· Create an eOTD-q-xml request for characteristic or reference data
· Create on eOTD-r-xml reply to a request for data
Your Course Presenter
Mr. Peter Benson is the Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer of the Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA). From 1994 to 1998, Peter served as the elected chairman of the American National Standards Institute Accredited Committee ANSI ASCX 12E, the Standards Committee responsible for the development and maintenance of EDI standard for product data. Peter is known for the design, development and global promotion of the UNSPSC as an internationally recognized commodity classification and more recently for the design of the eOTD, an internationally recognized open technical dictionary based on the NATO codification system. Peter is the Project Leader for ISO 22745 and ISO 8000 as well as the ISO TC 184/SC 4 Quality
committee convener. He is an expert in metadata, master data and their use in creating quality portable content.
Workshop Date and Time
Tuesday October 27, 2009 10:00am - 3:00pm
Workshop Location
Historic Hotel Bethlehem, 437 Main Street, Bethlehem Pa 18018
Workshop Costs
Course Fees:
Includes processing and registration of ISO 8000-110:2008 Master Data Quality Manager (O) and (I) certificate, continental breakfast morning break, lunch and afternoon break
• $500.00 USD ($895.00 reg. price) for each ECCMA member
• $1,000.00 USD ($1,250.00 reg. price) for each Non ECCMA member
To register click here!